Artificial Intelligence for classrooms

12 Artificial Intelligence Tools for Every Educator’s Classroom

Written by i3-Technologies
Thursday, March 28, 2024

What if, as an educator, you were equipped with a set of tools that not only enhance your teaching capabilities but also actively adapt to meet each of your students’ unique learning needs. With Artificial Intelligence (AI), this level of personalization and engagement in the classroom isn’t just possible—it’s becoming the new standard.

12 AI Tools That Empower Teachers

AI-powered presentation making

Enhance your classroom presentations with AI-integrated tools for Google Slides and PowerPoint, streamlining the creation process and enhancing content quality. 

  • Plus AI offers comprehensive features like slide rewriting and theme design within Google Slides. 
  • For visually engaging presentations, Canva Magic Design suggests design elements based on your content. 
  • Generate structured presentation outlines with ChatGPT, perfect for brainstorming sessions. 

Efficient and personalized lesson creation

Utilize AI to craft personalized and dynamic lessons effortlessly. 

  • Curipod and EduAide allow for quick, AI-driven lesson planning. 
  • For engaging quizzes directly from your PowerPoint slides, ClassPoint AI Quiz Generator analyzes slide content and generates questions in seconds, enabling live response collection from participants.

Automated grading and classroom engagement 

  • Automate grading with tools like Gradescope or Smartpaper, which save time and provide instant feedback. 
  • Formative AI enhances real-time classroom engagement, offering targeted interventions and personalized support to improve learning outcomes across all subjects.

AI for STE(A)M education

Incorporate AI tools to enrich science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics education. 

  • Virtual lab simulations from Labster bring complex experiments into the classroom without the need for physical resources. 
  • Wolfram Alpha serves as an invaluable computational knowledge engine for solving a broad range of mathematical and scientific queries, from basic calculations to complex analyses. 

Speech-to-text for ideation and note-taking

  • AI-powered applications like AudioPen can capture spoken words and transform them into text for real-time idea generation and collaboration, suitable for both educators and students. 

Challenges and ethical considerations

Using any type of technology requires being mindful of its implications. As an educator, you might need to consider several matters. For example, think of ensuring that AI tools comply with student data privacy laws and school policies, advocating for solutions that provide all students with access to AI technologies, and maintaining the teacher's role as a mediator, ensuring that technology enhances rather than replaces human interaction.

Better on a touch screen

The integration of AI into education opens a world of possibilities for enhancing how we teach and learn. By personalizing the educational journey, automating routine tasks, and providing new ways to engage and assess, AI can transform the educational landscape.

With i3-Technologies' touch screens, these AI tools can be utilized to their fullest potential, facilitating a seamless, interactive learning environment. For instance, an i3TOUCH X2 or i3TOUCH E-ONE offer state-of-the-art technology designed for educational settings, making it simple to use, easy to integrate, and accessible to everyone.


i3-Technologies is one of the world´s leading manufacturers of interactive technologies for group collaboration and education. We ensure you can leverage your existing technology by building solutions that work in the way your teams want to work. Our innovative solutions bridge digital and analog environments, giving you technology that's easy to use and integrate into your existing infrastructure. We aspire to create environments where our interactive and integrated solutions inspire human interactions.