5 fun back-to-school activities to kickstart the new year

5 fun back-to-school activities to kickstart the new year

Written by i3-Technologies
Monday, September 2, 2024

As the new school year begins, it’s essential to help students transition smoothly from their summer break back into the school routine. Easing them into the academic environment can set a positive tone for the entire year, fostering engagement and excitement.  

The following activities are designed to be both fun and interactive, making them perfect for reconnecting students with their peers and the classroom environment. These activities are versatile and adaptable, making them suitable for various subjects. In language classes, for example, they can be customized to incorporate the languages most popular among students, turning these activities into practical and versatile learning tools.

Activity 1. Vacation show-and-tell 

Students share a memorable experience from their summer vacation through a short presentation. Encourage them to use descriptive language and include photos or drawings.  

They can also use tablets or a touchscreen to search for images that remind them of their vacation. These images can be shared directly on the touchscreen, allowing students to discuss them with the class. 

Activity 2. Story circle 

In this collaborative writing activity, students sit in a circle and each adds a sentence to a story that starts with an open-ended prompt. The final story is read aloud to the class, highlighting creativity and teamwork. 

Activity 3. School year preview 

Students write down their personal goals and expectations for the year on post-it notes or in a journal. These goals are then placed on a "goals board" in the classroom, where they can be revisited and discussed throughout the year. Using a touchscreen, students can also create digital post-its to track and update their goals as the year progresses, making it easy to monitor their progress and stay motivated. 

Activity 4. Holiday-themed charades 

Students act out vacation-related activities or summer experiences in a game of charades, while their classmates guess what they are. This fun activity helps build vocabulary and speaking confidence. Afterward, review the words and phrases used during the game.

Activity 5. Vacation postcard writing 

Students write postcards as if they are still on vacation, describing their experiences and activities. They can add drawings and address the postcards to their classmates. For a digital twist, students can design and present their postcards on a touchscreen. 

These activities not only help students transition back into the school environment but also foster creativity, communication, and collaboration from the start.

Start the academic year right 

These activities not only ease students back into their school routine but also encourage active participation and collaboration. By starting the year with these engaging exercises, you can create a classroom environment that is both dynamic and supportive, setting the stage for a successful year ahead. 


i3-Technologies is one of the world´s leading manufacturers of interactive technologies for group collaboration and education. We ensure you can leverage your existing technology by building solutions that work in the way your teams want to work. Our innovative solutions bridge digital and analog environments, giving you technology that's easy to use and integrate into your existing infrastructure. We aspire to create environments where our interactive and integrated solutions inspire human interactions.