How to Turn Scribbles into Engaging Content with Interactive Touch Screens

How to Turn Scribbles into Engaging Content with Interactive Touch Screens

Written by i3-Technologies
Tuesday, May 7, 2024

When teachers use non-interactive whiteboards or chalkboards, they often struggle to save, share, or even duplicate their notes, limiting their ability to review, revise, and reuse content. They need a secure solution to capture, store, and share whiteboard pages efficiently, enhancing the teaching and learning process and improving communication with students. Here's where i3WHITEBOARD makes a difference.

Save and share whatever you want

i3WHITEBOARD allows teachers to easily save and share content from i3TOUCH. Teachers can save whiteboard pages in the cloud, on i3TOUCH, or on a USB drive. Pages can be shared via email or QR code as PDFs with the students for later revision or reference.

  • Save whiteboard pages as PDF files
  • Share whiteboard pages via email or QR code
  • Save i3TOUCH-only editable files for later use

Review, reuse and revise with i3WHITEBOARD

One of the bigger benefits is that the teacher can review, revise, and reuse their work for future purposes. They can also provide feedback and communication to their students and colleagues.

Productivity with infinite canvas

Resize your active page by zooming in and out to create an infinite canvas. This allows you to generate unlimited content on a single screen, making the lesson process more efficient, especially for math or science teachers.

Efficiency boost with i3WHITEBOARD

Always available. i3WHITEBOARD is always available on the i3TOUCH screen, so there is no hassle for teachers to use this versatile tool.

Sharing is caring. Effortlessly capture, share, and reuse whiteboard pages with students and colleagues. Distribute via email or QR code as PDF.

Revise, collaborate and interact. Students can receive the whiteboard pages as PDFs later for revision or reference. They can also collaborate and interact with their peers and teachers.

Share this one-pager with your fellow educators

Show your colleagues how i3WHITEBOARD can make a difference in their lesson preparation and teaching processes.

Download the one pager here. 


i3-Technologies is one of the world´s leading manufacturers of interactive technologies for group collaboration and education. We ensure you can leverage your existing technology by building solutions that work in the way your teams want to work. Our innovative solutions bridge digital and analog environments, giving you technology that's easy to use and integrate into your existing infrastructure. We aspire to create environments where our interactive and integrated solutions inspire human interactions.