Combining Modular Robots with Touch Screens in Classrooms

Redefining STE(A)M Education: Combining Modular Robots with Touch Screens in Classrooms

Written by i3-Technologies
Thursday, April 18, 2024

Imagine transforming your STEAM subjects into dynamic, interactive sessions where the latest advancements in modular robotics are paired seamlessly with cutting-edge interactive displays. What impact would this integration have on the way your students learn, solve problems, and collaborate with one another?

This vision is now a reality through a pioneering collaboration between i3 Technologies and Shape Robotics. Together, they are setting new standards in educational technology by merging i3 Technologies’ intuitive i3TOUCH displays with Shape Robotics’ versatile Fable modular robots, creating an educational toolkit that not only enhances the learning experience but also prepares students for a future dominated by technology.

The synergy of modular robots and interactive displays in STE(A)M education 

By 2025, digital learning tools are projected to be a core component in over 85% of educational environments, reflecting a broader shift towards digitalisation across all sectors. The integration of i3 Technologies’ i3TOUCH displays with Shape Robotics’ Fable modular robotic systems sets the course for an innovative educational toolkit tailored for any modern classroom.

These tools are not just about technology integration but are designed to enhance the educational journey from conceptual understanding to practical application, making STE(A)M subjects more engaging and accessible: 

  • Science: Conducting experiments with real-time data collection. 
  • Technology: Diving into coding and software development. 
  • Engineering: Undertaking robotics and mechanical design. 
  • Arts: Applying technology in creative and innovative projects. 
  • Mathematics: Tackling complex geometric designs and spatial problems.

Dynamic learning with Fable Go and Fable Explore robots 

i3-Technologies is integrating two Shape Robotics’ products into their offering. Fable Go emerges as a versatile tool for educators to introduce students to complex movements and geometries through compelling projects. For example:

  • Robotic soccer: Students design and program robots to play soccer, blending physical activity with lessons in robotics. 
  • Maze navigation: A challenge that hones problem-solving skills as students program their robots to navigate complex mazes. 
  • Interactive storytelling: A creative approach where robots act out parts of stories or historical events, enhancing narrative skills and historical understanding. 

Fable Explore, with its articulating robotic arm, offers a unique opportunity for conducting sophisticated tasks: 

  • Scientific experiments: Perfect for precise movements needed in experiments, such as in physics and chemistry labs. 
  • Artistic creations: Leveraging its precision for art projects, students can explore digital painting or sculpture. 
  • Engineering challenges: Ideal for constructing models or solving structural problems, integrating real-world engineering concepts.
Modular robots and touch screens for education

Future-versed skills for students 

Through engaging with i3 Technologies’ displays and Shape Robotics' modules, students develop crucial skills: 

  • Computational and critical thinking: They learn to tackle complex problems and evaluate solutions. 
  • Collaboration: Working in teams becomes second nature, essential for modern workplaces. 
  • Creativity and innovation: Students are encouraged to think outside the box, designing unique solutions. 
  • Technical proficiency: Hands-on experience with advanced technology prepares them for future careers, in a job market where, by 2030, over 50% of all employees will require significant re- and upskilling due to automation and technological advancements.
As CEO, I see this partnership as more than collaboration—it's a long-term commitment to reshape education, making it essential for equipping students with the competencies needed for the future job landscape.
Mark Abraham, CEO Shape Robotics
Mark Abraham CEO Shape Robotics

Explore how the collaboration between i3-Technologies and Shape Robotics is transforming educational environments by visiting our product page.  Prepare your students for a technologically integrated future and see firsthand the impact of this innovative educational toolkit!


i3-Technologies is one of the world´s leading manufacturers of interactive technologies for group collaboration and education. We ensure you can leverage your existing technology by building solutions that work in the way your teams want to work. Our innovative solutions bridge digital and analog environments, giving you technology that's easy to use and integrate into your existing infrastructure. We aspire to create environments where our interactive and integrated solutions inspire human interactions.